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The general settings section has been divided into three sub-sections: License keys, My account, and REST API.

Go to WooCommerce > Settings License Manager > General


The “license keys” settings section

The “Obscure licenses” setting allows the user to configure whether license keys will be hidden in the administrator interface (backend). This will prevent anyone from taking a direct look at the plain-text, decrypted license keys.

Backend Configuration:

Obscure licenses impact:

The “Allow duplicates” setting allows the user to add duplicate license keys to the database. When adding a license key, the plugin will no longer check if said license key is already present inside the database.

The Product downloads allows you to enter change log, product version from settings (Pro)

The Download expires  allows you to download the digital/virtual products when the license has expired (Pro)

The License Expiration Format  allows you to format the date time of license expiry shown on order and my account pages.


The “REST API” settings section

The “API & SSL” setting determines whether the REST API will be accessible over insecure HTTP connections, instead of the secure HTTPS channel. This should only be used in development or testing/staging environments, never in a productive environment. Leaving this setting on, on a productive website, exposes your API calls to man-in-the-middle attacks.

The “Enable/disable API routes” setting allows the user to individually enable and disable API routes. Always turn off the REST API routes which your application does not use.

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